Postdoctoral Positions

For post-graduates who recently completed or have submitted their Ph.D. thesis and would like to join our group, we would be pleased to help you with your fellowship application. For postdoctoral fellowships, please refer to the following fundings: Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships SPF(Spark), Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships. Please be aware of the deadlines for submitting your applications and contact Prof. Dmitry Katayev in advance.

Ph.D. Positions

Ph.D. candidates should apply directly to Prof. Dmitry Katayev. The complete application file should include a motivation letter, CV, transcript of records, a list of referees (at least 2 contacts), and a short summary of previous research work(s). Excellent applicants can also receive support for individual fellowships (Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships), (CSC Scholarships), etc.

Bachelor -Master Projects or Internships

Students from the University of Bern and interested to perform a research project in our group should directly contact Prof. Dmitry Katayev by email. Please don’t forget to attach your CV. You will receive an independent project in one of the major research fields of the group (catalysis, photochemistry, electrochemical synthesis, reagent development, asymmetric synthesis) while working in close cooperation with a Ph.D. student. Please look at our recent publications to familiarize yourself with our research.