Welcome Luca Condrau and Michel Metzger to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
We warmly welcome our new master's student Michel Metzger and our new intern Luca Condrau
Congratulations to Prof. Dmitry Katayev for winning the 2024 SynthX-WIPOS Emerging Investigator Award
We are happy to share that Professor Dmitry Katayev received the 2024 SynthX-WIPOS Emerging Investigator Award. Prof. Katayev captivated the audience during the Young & Emerging Investigators’ Session on Day 2 of the Symposium with his lecture, Recent Innovations in Catalytic Nitration, highlighting his...
Congratulations Subrata, Vasiliki & Bhargav for the accepted Article in ChemComm
We are happy to share our newest article about Photoredox Radical/Polar Crossover Enables Carbo-Heterofunctionalization of Alkenes: Facile Access to 1,3-Difunctionalized Nitro Compounds has been accepted in Chemical Communications
Congratulations to Dr. Subrata Patra for successfully defending his PhD thesis
We are happy to share that Dr. Subrata Patra successfully defended his PhD thesis, summa cum laude titled "Harnessing Radical Relay Strategies for the Difunctionalization of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Using FGTRs"
Congratulations to Prof. Dmitry Katayev for winning the 2025 Werner Prize
We are happy to share that Professor Dmitry Katayev received the 2025 Werner Prize for his important milestones advancing light and electricity driven carbon-hydrogen (CH) functionalization methodologies for a variety of substances, spanning from common feedstocks to complex molecules and materials.
Congratulations Rahul, Egor, Mathias, Subrata & Anthony for the accepted Article in JACS
We are happy to share our newest article about Visible-Light-Mediated Vicinal Dihalogenation of Unsaturated C–C Bonds Using Dual-Functional Group Transfer Reagents
Congratulations Subrata, Bhargav & Vasiliki for their publication highlighted in IMPACTIVE
We are happy to share that the article about Mechanochemistry Drives Alkene Difunctionalization via Radical Ligand Transfer and Electron Catalysis was highlighted in IMPACTIVE
Congratulations Subrata for the accepted Article in Chem. Eur. J.
We are happy to share our newest article about Facile Access to Terminal Nitroalkanes via Anti-Markovnikov Hydronitration and Hydronitroalkylation of Alkenes Using Photoredox Catalysis
Congratulations Rahul, Egor, Anthony, Quentin & Mathias for the accepted Article in Helv. Chim. Acta
We are happy to share our newest article about Divergent Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl Ketones via Photoredox Activation of Halotrifluoroacetones
Congratulations Subrata & Vasiliki for the accepted Article in ACS Catalysis
We are happy to share our newest article about Merging Iron-Mediated Radical Ligand Transfer (RLT) Catalysis and Mechanochemistry for Facile Dihalogenation of Alkenes
Congratulations Dr. Egor Zhilin for winning the best poster prize in SCS Fall Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland 2024
The SCS Fall Meeting is the major regularly organized event of the Swiss Chemical Society and one of the largest annual research conferences in Switzerland.
Congratulations Anthony & Vasiliki for the accepted Article in Angew. Chem.
We are happy to share our newest article about Overcoming Challenges in O-Nitration: Selective Alcohol Nitration Deploying N,6-Dinitrosaccharin and Lewis Acid Catalysis
Congratulations Rahul & Egor for the accepted Article in Chemical Science
We are happy to share our newest article about Divergent Functionalization of Alkenes Enabled by Photoredox Activation of CDFA and α-Halo Carboxylic Acids
Welcome Yining Zhu and Harry Lecomte to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
We warmly welcome our new PhD students
Congratulations Subrata, Bhargav & Vasiliki for the accepted Article in Advanced Science
We are happy to share our newest article about Mechanochemistry Drives Alkene Difunctionalization via Radical Ligand Transfer and Electron Catalysis
Welcome Mathias Kissling and Michel Metzger to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
We warmly welcome our new Master's and bachelor's students
Congratulations Subrata & Vasiliki for the accepted Review Article in Chimia
We are happy to share our newest article about Simplifying Nitration Chemistry with Bench-stable Organic Nitrating Reagents
Congratulations Anthony & Rahul for the accepted Review Article in Angew Chem
We are happy to share our newest article about the Review and Theoretical Analysis of Fluorinated Radicals in Direct CAr–H Functionalization of (Hetero)arenes
Congratulations Subrata Patra & Rahul Giri for the accepted Article in ACS Catalysis
We are happy to share our newest research article about Nitrative Difunctionalization of Alkenes via Cobalt-Mediated Radical Ligand Transfer and Radical-Polar Crossover Photoredox Catalysis.
Welcome Quentin Ordan to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
Our best wishes go out to Quentin Ordan, our new doctoral student.
Congratulations Dr. Anthony Fernandes for winning the best poster prize in 23rd ICOS Symposium in Shanghai, China 2023
ICOS, initiated in 1976 as a biennial event by IUPAC for the exhibition of frontiers in organic synthesis, has brought together thoughts and wisdom for the advances of organic chemistry all over the world.
Congratulations Dr. Anthony Fernandes for winning the best poster prize in Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2023
The SCS Fall Meeting 2023, one of the largest annual research conferences held in Switzerland and offers a unique opportunity for all members of the community to share the results of their research initiatives and to connect with each other.
Congratulations Ivan, Anthony and co-authors for the accepted Article in Angewandte Chemie
We are happy to share our newest research article about Catalytic ipso-Nitration of Organosilanes Enabled by Electrophilic N-Nitrosaccharin Reagent
Congratulations Subrata Patra and co-authors for the accepted Article in Angewandte Chemie
We are happy to share our newest research article about Electron-Driven Nitration of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons.
Welcome Vasiliki Valsamidou to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
Our best wishes go out to Vasiliki Valsamidou, our new doctoral student.
Welcome Dr. Egor Zhilin to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group
Greetings to Dr. Egor Zhilin, our new Post-doctoral fellow! We wish him success!
Congratulations Mr. Subrata Patra for presenting poster in 4th Swiss Industrial Chemistry Symposium, SICS 2023
The SICS is a one-day symposium with lectures, short talks and offers a unique platform for industrial scientists, working in research and process research, to present their latest results. The event will be completed with a poster session in which PhD students can also participate.
Congratulations Rahul Giri & Subrata Patra for the accepted Article in ChemCatChem.
We are happy to share our newest research article about Nitryl Radical-Triggered Semipinacol-Type Rearrangement, Lactonization, and Cycloetherification of Olefins.
Welcome Dr. Anthony Fernandes to the Dmitry Katayev’s Group as a SNSF postdoctoral fellow
It is our pleasure to welcome Anthony Fernandes, who is a recipient of a SNSF postdoctoral fellowship
The University of Bern is looking forward to welcoming us and we will share more details soon.
You can find more information about Katayev Lab's move to the University of Bern here